


首頁 > 稅務問題Q&A > 外僑綜合所得稅



問題:When are aliens required to file their income tax returns in Taiwan ?

As the duration within a taxable year from January 1st to December 31st that aliens stay in Taiwan varies, the following three points can be used as a guide for aliens’ reference to file their income tax returns.
1.  Aliens staying in Taiwan for less than 90 days, the income derived from sources in the Republic of China shall be  withheld  according  to  the withholding rate and paid at the respective sources. The taxpayer need not file an income tax return. However, if one has income gained from property transaction, occasional trade, interest from mortgages, etc., he or she should declare and pay tax prior to departure. For those who keep staying in Taiwan through May 31st of the current year, they are supposed to file their last year’s income before the said time.
2.  For foreigners who stay in Taiwan over 90 days, but less than 183 days, the income derived from sources in the Republic of China shall be withheld according to the withholding rate and paid    at    the    respective    sources.However,  incomes  derived  from abroad for services rendered within the ROC, will have to be reported prior to departure. For those who keep staying in Taiwan through May 31st of the current year, they are supposed to file their last year’s income before the said time.
3.  Foreigners staying in Taiwan over 183 days in one calendar year will be required to file their annual income of the previous year to the Tax Bureau and  pay the  corresponding  taxes during the period from May 1st to May 31st  of  the  current  year. However,these who intend to leave the territory of the ROC in the interim of the year  will  be  required  to  file  incomeearned in that year prior to departure.

問題:What is the difference between “residents of the Republic of China” and “non-residentsof the Republic of China” regarding the Income Tax Act of the ROC?


The following two categories of individuals are regarded as “residents of the Republic of China”:
1.  An individual who has registered residence in the   Household Registration        Office      and  frequentlystays  in  the  ROC  is  regarded  as  a ROC resident, regardless whether his or her stay in the ROC is less than 183 days.
2.  An individual who has no domicile in the  ROC  but  stays  for  183  days  or longer is regarded as a ROC resident. Individuals    not   falling      into  the above-mentioned  two  categories  are regarded as “non-residents of Republic of China”.


問題:How  can  ROC  residents  and  non-ROC residents    file   their    annual    income    tax returns?

Any ROC resident having income from sources in the ROC, including remunerations paid by employers outside the ROC for services rendered within the ROC, must file income tax returns before departure or file annual income tax returns for the previous year from May 1st     to May 31st    of the current year. Income tax returns must be submitted to the tax authorities. Their income tax shall be declared and assessed by a progressive rate based on net  consolidated  taxable  income  which shall be the annual gross consolidated income minus the exemptions and deductions. Non-ROC residents receiving income fromsources in the ROC shall have their income tax computed according to the withholding tax rate and paid at the respective sources. But for income which is not subject to the Withholding Code, the taxpayer shall file and pay tax in line with the withholding tax rate by the due date, but if he or she leaves the ROC before the filing due date, he orshe must file before his or her departure.

問題:How do aliens, who stay in the ROC over 90 days in a taxable year, file their income tax returns for income paid by   employers outside the ROC for services rendered during their stay in the ROC?

Taxpayers must file income tax returns for remuneration paid by their employers outside the ROC for services rendered in the ROC during their stay. Taxpayers must also submit a notarized certificate of earnings issued by tax authorities, a CPA, or a notary public. However, a photocopy of the license of the CPA or the notary public who issues the certificate must also be submitted to the tax authorities for review. Aliens’ service remunerations paid by employers outside the  ROC,  should  be calculated  at  theaverage foreign currency exchange rate.

How does an alien taxpayer apply for a tax refund? What can he or she do if he or she is not able to collect the refund check in person?

After the individual income tax has been assessed by the National Tax Administration and is due a refund, he or she shall receive a notification of refund.The taxpayer may also receive his or her refund via a bank account. Accounts applicable  for  use  in  the  request  are limited    to    those    of    a    transferable NT-dollar-account of such specified banks as  have  signed  contracts  with  the Financial Information Service Co., Ltd or Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd..The account shall belong to the taxpayer, or to the taxpayer’s spouse or to a dependent in the case of a joint-filing, and have been opened with the use of an ROC ID No. or an ARC ID No. In the case that the National Tax Administration (NTA) is unable to deposit such tax refund as may be owing directly into the appointed bank account, the NTA will mail a notice to the taxpayer informing him or  her  of  this  fact  and  the  way  of refund may be check refund instead. He or she will then need to fill out a proxy statement to appoint an agent to pick up the refund check if he or she can not do it in person. If the taxpayer leaves the country and cannot pick up the refund check, he or she will need to apply for writing a cross check, then the refund can be deposited in the taxpayer’s bank account.One copy of the page in the taxpayer’s passport with his or her signature should be attached for reference.
